i think anybody that cooked in a restaurant will just go to the local restaurant supply store for Cambros. they are industry standard, stackable, storable, lids are interchangable, replaceable, and sold separately.
i think anybody that cooked in a restaurant will just go to the local restaurant supply store for Cambros. they are…
So Sorry for the CAPS Lock... But
So Sorry for the CAPS Lock... But
White plastic deli/ restaurant containers.
White plastic deli/ restaurant containers.
I’m just gonna leave some of the Reddit poster’s follow-up comments here.
No. A little light fibbing here and there may keep a relationship running smoothly, but you can’t prop up your partner’s delusions on this level. You will wind up seething with resentment years down the road. This was one of those cases where it’s better to just have the fight and accept the consequences.
That lady has some issues.
1. Never make a new recipe (new to you) for the first time to take to a potluck or share with people.
I know I’m an asshole, but isn’t the correct Spousal Strategy to never get yourself into this situation, by not marrying the kind of person who would want to make a Sushi Casserole in the first place?
I still can’t get past the mount of hype, intense scrutiny and breathless coverage that LeBron lived through as a teen, and he came out at the end of it, seemingly as a balanced and decent human being.
I thought he was evens at least for addiction or personal problems derailing his career.
I just love this guy and what…
If you have an issue with the size of seats on airplanes, take it up with the airplanes, not your fellow passengers who are using the seats how they are intended to be used. Everything is made to accommodate the size of big men, including the location of headrests on cars - which by the way makes my neck hurt, the…
I’m 6'2". I survive every flight. That’s what standing and stretching is for.
I am also 5'9" and I make do b/c it’s not that much of a recline, to my OP, and I’m reclining too. I’m not a monster! I’m fine with the people in front of me reclining also :D
I have literally never felt a bump or anyone’s knees in my back when I reclined my seat and I fly a lot.
When the far left ideals took over the movement. I’m done with liberalism it sucks that we choose the dumbest battles and still not shit has changed. Wealth inequality is at an all time high while “brilliant liberal minds” are fighting about the correct pronouns.
When did the sexually uptight televangelist busy-bodies of the 80's & 90's (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson etc.) morph into the liberals of the present?
If only Trump understood Spanish, he could read that.
That baby might have been a member of ISIS.
That baby would never have been strangled if it was here legally.
Trump supporter: “Well, maybe he did strangle a baby but......emails!”