
The government is already subsidizing soccer salaries by paying the men more in salary than they bring in in income. I guess that’s okay with you, since men (like you) benefit from being subsidized by the success of the USWNT. Too bad that your feelings are so insulted at the thought of parity that you felt it

Yeah, totally, you’re super objective, bro.

Dude, you are deliberately failing to read the entire piece. They make more money for US Soccer. The men lose money and yet they are paid more. If anything, the men’s salaries should be cut so they are revenue neutral Why are the women supplementing the men’s higher salaries? That is total discrimination!

You know, I didn’t even have to check your username to know instantly that you were a man.* You know why? Because this is a prime example of how men with fragile egos love to interrupt conversations about gender to make completely irrelevant assertions in defense of manly-manly manhood.

Women’s soccer earns more revenue than men’s. So women should at the very least earn the same salary.

1) “...I doubt that flies” when talking about Zika? puntastic!

You are wrong sir. You are a sir, there’s no doubt. US Women’s soccer has makes more money than men’s soccer. Google it. US Women’s soccer funds subsidizes US men’s soccer. US men’s soccer, quite honestly, is a mess, is it not? It was a mess during the last world cup and it’s a mess now. The women? Lol. Yeah... they

No, what you’re saying is that one kind of rape is more acceptable then another kind. Neither kind is okay.

You are factually incorrect.

From what I understand, women’s soccer in the US brings in far more money than men’s. Odds are high that the US women’s team will win the Olympics. The men’s team definitely won’t. It’s really hard to see why the men’s team is making so much more money when financially they aren’t as valuable.

Yea, I'm kinda like fuck the men at this point. I mean I know people in privileged positions often don't fight for others but.... Fuck Em.

You do realize that Olympic sports, Soccer/Football for example, the women play other WOMEN from other countries, right? And the men play men. It’s been that way for 100+ years.

Or play at 62% effort level, since they make 62% of what their male counterparts do.

So. Strike anyway.

you are describing date rape. i went to college and drank too, but i never got anyone drunk and raped them. i guess the difference isn’t alcohol but the ability to see the opposite sex as actual human beings rather than fuckholes, or something.

only a rapist would think like that—that by getting drunk all she was doing was offering up an opportunity to any passing dude capable of raping an unconscious woman (like you—because you saw it as an opportunity too, and proved that by making this comment). at least you know yourself, right? cool. you should go look

That’s exactly what youre doing.


This girl is a BEAUTIFUL writer and it’s a real fucking shame that this is the way we have to find out about her gift.

She is so courageous it's heartwrenching.