
I was a personal trainer with an actually decent accreditation. There are only two reasons for an average person to go to a personal trainer: (1) You’re brand new and have no idea what you’re doing or (2) Motivation. Once you’ve got a basic knowledge of a good routine (which you can find for free online) and form

I can’t think of anything more American than an enormous corporation selling a subpar product to people with questionable taste.

We called them Bud Heavies (Heavys?)

Every time you drink an America this summer, I vow to donate to an organization that abuses clydesdale horses.

Yeah. Next year will be interesting again barring injury. I’m just glad I like both of them and that we have only ~$5 million committed combined. Gonna suck when we have to pay a man though.

Stars get no love for bouncing back on the road and forcing a game 7?

Ageed. I’ve fixed the headline and attached the correction but the correction is also taking a few minutes to trickle through the system.

All it says is that the TPD supervisor responded, but only says that Ponder demanded Fisher show up, not that he actually did.

You never kick someone in the head. Perfect way to turn a harmless drunken brawl into a prison sentence for manslaughter.

“And here’s the championship question: How far can you punt a football?”

What’s funny is that writing the article “Jessica Mendoza is a bad baseball announcer” by listing specific, detailed ways she is bad at her job (and not getting pre-emptively defensive and invoking racism and sexism by your own accord) would be fine.

The Thunder would for love anyone to Hulk out; it’s their only chance of getting a Banner.

So you agree with every word of the article your commenting on then? Thanks for weighing in I guess?

Crisis PR is very simple. It’s covered in the most elementary courses on public relations. Find out what happened. Get the whole story out at once, rather than in dribs and drabs. Say you’re sorry whether it’s your fault or not. Tell what you’re going to do to make amends and to make sure it never happens again. Do

A nfl team may have a possible chance to maybe make the playoffs after an almost decade of futility? You'd think with their history that Raiders fans would be slightly more discerning than fucking Bengals fans.

The Round Rock Express are probably the lone example of a professional franchise that has really carved out its place in the community. But that’s in the suburbs (though that’s where a pro stadium would inevitably be) and it’s hard to believe the attendance would scale up.

I always see UT events cited as why other sports events have struggled in Austin, but it’s not likely DKR has been packed on home game weekends lately. Austin arguably just doesn’t care about sports.

I would go to so many more Rangers games if there weren’t in Arlington. Beautiful stadium, complete bitch to get to in traffic.

Baseball will go to 32 teams soon enough. I’d love to say we deserve a third Texas franchise in San Antonio/Austin, since population has completely exploded down here, but the Astros and Rangers haven’t been able to fill their parks to watch interesting young teams. Fucking footbaw.

Does Marchman play an instrument? If so, it’s that instrument.