
You're really asking, "Does anyone really care about naked celebrity photos, massive privacy violations, and insidious hacking schemes?"?

Nice route.

It's unfortunate because Michael Sam is attempting to become the first openly gay player in the NFL, something of enormous symbolic importance, and while no one wants him to be judged by anything but his merits as a football player, many sports fans were and are rooting for him to succeed.

"Someday my prince will cum."

"Way to run it. How do you feel?" The possibilities here are... EPIC...

Only 4.94? She should have made sure the length was at least 8. Ideally, 9 or above ;)

Also, her glasses in that still are on point. Warby Parker x RBG, make it happen.

The women of the Supreme Court are really holding it down for Progressive Constitutional interpretation. More power to them. I met Sotomayor the other day; she is also awesome and brilliant.

"Less" instead of "Fewer" and three missing commas. This plaque commits more errors than Maddux averaged per season of his career.


"Horsepower is how fast you hit the guest's car in front of you and torque is how far you push it."

It's the "no true Scotsman" fallacy, isn't it?