indie nail polish community
indie nail polish community
“I am where Mentality has always come from. I am Mentality. I am an athlete. I am a scholar. I am a musician. I am an artist and a maker. I am also a fighter.”
Spelling and grammatical issues aside, #TeamAnnaDuggarsBrother
People were commenting on’s version of the article with the phrase “TIPS: To insure prompt service”. Butchering of the English language aside, what the hell? Like servers and waiters have control over how long it takes the kitchen to make things.
I want angry cats to pee in their hair while they sleep. What utter bastards.
Ughhhh I HATE that!! It’s like a passive-aggressive way of getting out of doing anything while (at least thinking you are) being sneaky and not looking like you’re just being lazy. Drives me nuts. Glad to hear that he does have some redeeming qualities though ;-)
Oh hell no. Your guests, you’re cleaning. That is some B fucking S. Especially if he works from home! I obviously don’t know what he does for work, but A. it’s not like he won’t already be there, and B. I’d venture a guess that he could most likely do some little picking up type things around the house either while…
“But when you’re trying to hook up with a married man, that guy already has enough on his plate without having to jump through the hoops of dating.”
Because the two most memorable things about that character are that she gets pretty much all of her stories by screwing Kevin Spacey, and that she dies by being pushed in front of a train? She was not a tenacious reporter, she violated every journalism ethic and then got murdered. Not a role model.
As others have said it’s pretty easy to say stand up for yourself from the other side. What we all should be doing is making sure if we ever see anything like this in real life that we stand up for these workers, and if these asshole customers are complaining to the mangers, why don’t we turn around and complain about…
We’re not saying that people should be treated like shit, we are saying that putting up with horrible people so that you can put food on the table for your family is not synonymous with “have[ing] absolutely no guts.”
You do know that walking out on a job or getting fired makes it harder to get another job, and in the interim you deal with not being able to pay bills because you no longer have a job?
Food, and shelter are pretty high up on the list of things “in this world that you need so badly to have to put up with this treatment from people”
Next week will be Revenge, so while not light, it’ll definitely be cathartic.
The truly American thing would be to charge for ketchup but give your richer customers loopholes to pay much less for it.
Um...people who live paycheck to paycheck, and their landlords, grocers, phone providers and transportation providers, might possibly disagree with you that “There is nothing, NOTHING, in this world that you need so badly to have to put up with this treatment from people.” But please, put your moral high ground above…
So I am old enough that when I was a senior in high school, I worked at Starbucks.
Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.
But really, isn’t it about time we asked “Bruh what?” of all of us?