Burn After Reading

And nothing like sending “wounded entitled emails” to shore up his case as a GREAT potential co-parent. Way to go, dude.

I’m meanwhile disappointed that Cheryl Boone Isaacs couldn’t be bothered to learn how to pronounce “Iñárritu,” even knowing that he was basically a lock for the nomination.

It happened to me too!! Though the bird then bounced off so I didn’t wind up with blood & feathers on me. The luckiest thing was that it was daytime and so I had sunglasses on and therefore didn’t get any shards of glass in my eyes. Lots of glass in my hair, though.


WEIRD. Was it definitely not a twilight-sleep kind of situation? I find that just as disorienting as general anesthesia, but it’s more common outside a proper surgical facility.

Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry you went through that. Your story is much less ambiguous to me, because he broke into your home and coerced you by fear. In Aliya’s story, Dave didn’t exactly coerce her. He didn’t exactly not, but there doesn’t seem to be an element of fear. Your abusive boyfriend invaded your space and

As far as the rashes and bleeding, as others have said, it sounds like Rachel Cronin is simply allergic to an ingredient. Which can happen…most people with a shred of brain matter would take that as a cue to stop using the product. I’m allergic to cats, but it’s never occurred to me to file a class-action suit against

She recreated it just last year, in the show for which she was nominated. It’s a question she should have expected to get like 50 times.

My belief that Sean Penn is an enormous shithead hasn’t really been shaken. Sean Penn still has any number of claims to enormous-shitheaddery.

I think the scar kit is a GREAT idea. I rolled my eyes mainly because she went through the process of putting together a change.org petition. I’m not sure how it serves this child to be taught that there’s no difference between activism and placing a custom order.

Thank you, thank you.

It’s “relationship” as a verb! But NOT a verb that means “to be in a relationship,” but rather “to be invested in or root for another’s relationship.” You can ship people who are already dating (Paulson, Taylor) or you can ship people in the sense that you WANT them to date (Josh & Donna on The West Wing). It’s weird,

Oh listen! I used to think that too!! BECAUSE THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SOME KIND OF SENSE.

8 letters. The “ship” in “shipping” in this context is short for “relationship.”

I have lots of friends who have connected with their current partners within the last 5 years through means other than electronic, but can’t think of anyone I know who has had an absolutely random meet-cute like hooking up in line at the grocery store. I wouldn’t want someone bothering me in line at the grocery store.

Oh, it’s definitely not the main/only food source by that point. Just *a* food source.

Well, when I say work, I mean, “wandering from restaurant to restaurant.”

Yeah, he’s such a feminist hero, isn’t he?

Oh, thanks!!

I was on board with her objections until I actually read the link. I thought it was going to be an issue of observing her kids’ privacy, but it seems like the problem is more that she doesn’t like her kids to be having fun without her. And I can understand why that would continue to be painful—seeing your kids live