Burn After Reading

I know, I was thinking the same thing. Peach cobbler is “a summer version” of cobbler. WTF, Harris?

Thank you! :)

Same thing with my mom. She did not test positive for a mutation, which was great news for me (and for her, in the sense that she did not require a prophylactic hysterectomy). But that test is NOT CHEAP, Jesus.

Hooray for testing negative!! Type 1 diabetes is the pits, though. Good heavens. Poor family.

Testing positive for a BRCA1 mutation is a pretty big fucking health issue.

My dad once said the same to me, although in his defense, he was right. Though in my defense, I’d gained a lot of weight from the heavy-duty medication I was taking for my severe depression, so I guess it’s all a matter of priorities.

That making-up-numbers thing drove me a bit crazy. One of my bridesmaids had to drop out at the last minute and suddenly everyone was worried that “the sides would be out of balance.”

I know, my first thought was “did they photoshop Anna Paquin’s mouth in some weird way?”

Brains are so weird.

The famous Wet & Messy fetish. Should have introduced them to the chocolate cream pie lady.

Sinbad/Steve Harvey is golden.

Oh man. I know that Julie Klauser has a hate-on for Pauley Perette, but maybe dial it back when the person has been a victim of a serious crime?

Maybe he was saying he was William Holden.

aw, no! I do hope someone thought to take a picture of that, though.

My little baby niece just had to get a bunch, and apparently their ped’s office has a nurse who was like a vaccine ninja—he stuck her four times or something in under a minute, and she hardly knew what was happening before it was over. So it doesn’t have to be awful!

Though since Shrayber brings it up, I still think I would rather do this than run a marathon.

There’s also no overriding blanket reason NOT to. And the grad school separation scenario that The Noble Renard describes could apply to married people too—should his gf stop studying with male friends for some reason the moment she gets married? If my husband wanted to cheat on me, he could find a way to do it pretty

I don’t think cleansing is a cumulative thing like moisturizing or serums…in other words, if you haven’t had problems with breakouts, etc, up to this point, I think your routine sounds fine for you.


Disclaimer: I’ve never used this before because I’ve been happy with UD, but I hear that Lime Crime makes a good eyeshadow primer.