Burn After Reading

Yeah, I was initially sort of disgusted by the idea of a boyfriend and a father treating this woman like a prop through whom they can act out some possibly-weirdly-possessive fantasies, but also OH WELL, as far as she’s concerned, being dead is the ultimate way to not play along. And also we all do this to varying

Broadly speaking, hepatitis refers to severe liver inflammation from one of any number of causes. Her hepatitis likely doesn’t have a letter after it (Hep A, B, etc.) because that’s a way of classifying viral hepatitis only, and this doesn’t sound like it was caused by a virus.

Yeah, there’s a reason why “the zeal of the convert” is a cliché—she’s sort of exhibit A for that, for sure.

I do admire people who can accomplish so much in such a short window of time.

Didn’t Morena Baccarin just have a baby with her husband, though??

I guess the question is what’s meant by “cocktail reception.” If it means that this is the dress she’s going to wear only during the cocktail hour of a longer reception, then I think you’ve struck upon the most logical answer. But I read “cocktail reception” as “she will wear it to their reception, which by the way

Yeah, this is weird, I’m with the other responders. How is it too fragile for the part of the day where you take a short walk, stand for a few minutes, and then take a short walk back in the same direction; but NOT too fragile for the part of the day where you eat and drink and hug everyone you know?

Yeah, count me among those who prefers to wear one. At least during the day.

It doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad about the business that no one is in there—you can pretty much do everything you need to do with a travel agent by phone or email. We have a travel agent we use for work and I rely on her quite a bit, but I’ve never actually met her in person, after years of working together.

You’d be perfectly justified in expecting a bourbon sour, however, even though you’d simply said “whiskey” and not “bourbon.” And we’re not talking about a blended drink, here, in which certain varieties of whiskey are generally stipulated depending on the drink, we’re talking about straight whiskey. A devoted whiskey

The thing with Wisconsin and brandy is very weird and should not be talked about outside Wisconsin, because it only scares and confuses people. You can get away with a brandy old-fashioned, but beyond that the brandy thing is not widely understood by those of us from the other 49 states.

Yeah, I noticed that one too…but was also afraid of getting a Pinkham’s Law call-out. You are braver than I!

I guess there could be a question about where to put the emphasis on her last name—ah-DOO-buh or AH-doo-buh.

It kind of pisses me off that you just dismissively refer to this establishment as “Louie’s Sports Bar” when it’s CLEARLY ALSO a tiki bar. CLEARLY.

The owner wasn’t trying to avoid a confrontation, she instigated a confrontation. She confronted. What she did was the opposite of confrontation-avoidance.

I like that she “doesn’t think” she did anything before 50. Like she’s she’s allowing for the possibility that she had some surgery and just forgot about it.

Uuuuugggghhh. My neighbor is constantly zipping around the sidewalks on one of these, narrowly missing pedestrians in his path.

I think there’s also the idea that the repentance is supposed to be sincere, so you can’t pre-plan to repent, because then the repentance isn’t real repentance.

With the same sweet childlike belief that if you can only hold the camera just the right way, a pontoon boat in an irrigation reservoir will look just like the yacht in the “Jenny from the Block” video.

Wow, all those times I’ve accidentally touched a hot iron or oven rack, and somehow my instantly-destroyed skin managed not to fall right from my body.