Super burn burn

I think “allegations” might be too strong a word here? It could be true, the way anything could be true I guess, but “rumors” is a pretty accurate description of what this is. I think if you entertain the strong possibility of him not having done the thing no one has actually accused him of, it’s pretty clear why he

“Dodging an incriminating question, or refusing to give credence to rumors?”

Katie, you’re the worst. The only reason to continue pretending it’s about Louis is for clicks. Jesus Christ.

No. I enjoy coming here for the moment as comments aren’t being shut down and there has been a noticeable backlash against her kind of entertainment journalism/activism.

Cool, I had thought Gawker and the like would eventually get bored with trying to destroy Louis CK’s life and move on to a meatier victim, but apparently not. I underestimated just how petty such a middle-school echo chamber really can be.

Well, this article broke me. This is trash.

I liked AVclub when it wasn’t Jezebel.

The AVClub is now firmly part of this new bullshit conglomerate which means they’re mandated to spew this sort of garbage. For the click click click click click clicks. Also Katie is a hack.

Adding another icky wrinkle to the situation are the sexual misconduct allegations that have followed CK himself for several years now