
Bullshit.... Whale is something AMERICANS do not eat.... Americans also do not eat sheep heads either, does that mean Americans hate Icelanders?

No, it’s their freedom to do what they wish with it. It doesn’t mean that no one else shouldn’t speak up, or punch a few Nazis, or protest such grotesque people that are still thinking this way in this great country, in this day and age.

Hey, they’re putting in hard work this season. The Browns are still undefeated so far.

Are you sure it wasn’t because Kaepernick was a shit quarterback?

As long as it’s within Windows....

Oh, no, there is something hilarious about white supremacy. Have you seen a white supremacist?

First gen American here. It strikes me as odd that this country can still be so goddamn backwards these days. No problems with people owning and carrying guns, in a LAWFUL manner, but these ass-hats are doing so for intimidation at what equates to a hate rally (“protesting” the removal of a statue is the current

I think you misunderstand me. I meant to say that due to the number of guns in the crowd, I think the police are not wanting to incite a gun-battle with so many unarmed, actual non-violent people in the mix. Personally, I’d have the national guard called in and “build a wall” and leave those fucks in there for a few

Too easy:

Too easy:

I doubt that will work. BLM didn’t have nearly the firearms density as this/these groups does/do.

I have 2 words for the counter-protesters: fire back.

Maybe that’s the problem. Stop being nice at these rallies and start fucking up anyone who identifies with any “superiority nationalism”, regardless of race, religion, or political view. Meet their violence with harsher, more abhorrent violence. Identify them, single them out, find out where they work and boycott

I don’t believe you. No one likes Sonic Youth; black or not.

So, basically, muddy sounding garbage at nearly the same price?

I’d worry more about super mutants at that point....

Very very very few people own fully automatic weapons. Personally, I’ve got a decent handgun and a surplus SKS, and as far as I can tell, this is all I really need for my purposes (going to the range and firing cheap ammo as well as knowing that I could defend myself with either and have a greater chance at

This is where you and everyone who thinks like you is wrong: remember, their jobs tend to put them in danger more often than not. Yes, you should respect someone who puts on the uniform, pulls people over for speeding, busts people for carrying or running illegal drugs, and everything else in between. If they have a

Hardly, you fuck-faced twat, I’m a first generation American. No, don’t stay silent, but don’t be a cunt simply because you hear these news stories and assume all cops are like the bad ones you’ve seen in the news. They’re doing their jobs, and if you try to fuck with them, I’m all for them fucking with you in return.

I’d rather have the performance of the Type-R in the Civic coupe, rather than make the low-end hatch look like the Type-R.

Says the white guy who posted it.
You must be one of the “good ones”....