
I started this the other night. The thing that made me IMMEDIATELY turn it off was the constant uttering of the built not bought and the arguments that went along with it. Not because I have an opinion on that specifically (I have a nice built car and a nice bought car rn) but because I’m so GD sick of car shows that

So you admit unions make things too expensive to produce here?

1) in·fla·tion -a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money

Quite true. However, if the primary purpose is to DD then it makes complete sense. Nothing says you can’t buy them on the used market and install sometime in the future or go even further with a certified racing seat, though you really should will also get a cage/roll bar at that point.

Yes you can. For a 2017 you would optionally add the Recaro seats (if I remember correctly) for like ~$1,500. For 2018, Recaro seats are default but you can get the convenience package (dumb name, it should be luxury package) for $3,000 that includes full power & heated/cooled seats. It also includes the $3,000

Why would Toyota want them? They’re good with their Prius lineup

This article is about people for whom even having a bank account is a spurious proposition. Traditional financing channels are shut down for them, so they have to look to the dealer to finance them.

I already know it’s going to come up, but just because you’re more conniving and underhanded than the average individual, and you’re willing to take advantage of someone not as clever or thorough or as smart as you does not mean it’s OKAY to take advantage of people. Just like there should be laws to stop strong

Except the whole Toyota thing was bullshit.

When you write that people commenting on Patrick George’s article are “petulant as fuck” and should “Grow up and stop throwing your tantrum”, they’re probably not going to be very happy about it. You attacked them and they replied in-kind. Deal with it! The number of stars you’re so called attackers got should be

Welcome to Jalopnik. I’m sure you’ll enjoy time here in between raising your orphans and feeding the hungry, while juggling climate change solutions.

So I’m just imagining that you wrote this:

Wow, you are just the epitome of a petulant cunt, and you’re being petulant about people allegedly being petulant. That makes you some kind of meta-cunt.

Hey, I just read through all your comments and you didn’t sound very calm. I understand that you feel everybody is ganging up on you but you attacked them first, remember. By the way, you don’t have to call anybody who responds negatively to your comment a bitch and drop the F-bomb. To me that sounds a lot like “being

Ooh, you and your pathetic rants. Let’s go straight to the BLUF: was ESPN’s coverage of this weekend’s F1 race good or bad? Answer that if you are mentally capable of doing so.

Your original post and every comment since have been crass and classless attacks on strangers on the internet. You are an unenviable hypocrite. Go play in traffic.

Yeah, it’s similar here, just that instead it’s a flat amount (40KM/H over). School zone doing 69KM/H? Totally fine, here’s your ticket. Highway doing 131KM/H? Hope you’ve got cash to hire a cab, cause you’re losing the car.

People who don’t want to crash into large crowds?
