What? You expect these autonomous car jokes to just write themselves?
What? You expect these autonomous car jokes to just write themselves?
Come on now. You lost me on number 1. You are my service advisor. You are my point of contact to fix the problem. I’m not talking to the truck I’m talking to you. Really... you tell me there is nothing you can do if the tech screws up the fix? Bullsquirt. I’m relying on you to manage the process. I’ve had good and bad…
I hope they get rid of “The American” or at least cut the shtick. I didn’t find it funny at all and it was mostly really annoying.
I may get roundly torn apart by the wolves here, but I’m getting a bit fed up of the Stan Lee cameos. I don’t mind them being a mid-credits stinger, but they just jar me out of my suspension of disbelief when they’re so blatant in the middle of a film.
Oh, I see. ChrisB97 is nobly treating the same people he’s fine with never being able to get insurance. What a saint. I guess we should give him a pass.
“Because Obamacare”? You must have started your practice in 2010, or else you would clearly remember that there were more people uninsured before Obamacare than after. Blaming Obamacare for there being uninsured people is like blaming food stamps for world hunger.
See what’s funny is if it weren’t for obamacare people like me would be sticking a gun in your face instead of an insurance card.
They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.
Just to me.
Bible is too dangerous, paper cuts and all. That’s what altar boys are for.
I completely oppose homosexuality altogether
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Fuck off with this bullshit. An anti-science, pyramid scheme inheriting nitwit was just confirmed to the highest education post in the nation by the vote of an idiot who thinks gays should be shocked until not gay. Get the fuck out with this “let’s all get along. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN” steaming pile of…
Yup. There goes my 0.15 percent pay raise. Was hoping to buy “new” car to replace 14 year old VW. Not happening. Pay cut imminent. Oh well. Two used tires. A muffler. And some Bondo. Fix her right up. I wonder what the good Secretary drives?
What kind of example can we set for our children when, as adults, we can’t even agree on anything. How can we argue about our children’s public education, while being uneducated ourselves?
what about the one where Jack fell in love with Aku in drag?
If I may add S03E02 to the mix (pun very much intended).
If you heard of Kangaroo courts... well, this is a Kangaroo council.
It sounds lovely. Except he’s a economic libertarian nutcase. He doesn’t really give a fuck about the environment. Or he would be trying to make fuel cells and not batteries.