Oh come on Dextah
Oh come on Dextah
@vic06: Are they witty? Or just inside jokes.. The reason you didn't get them, I'm guessing is because you are straight..
@spiegel1 — I love ABBA: Have you ever tried sugar? or PCP?
@Naro27: I still don't really get your BSG argument. You do know they ran for 5 full seasons, had a finale and everything right? Even a spin-off in Caprica. The show could possibly have run for a few more seasons I suppose, but to me, BSG is a bad example of a show cut short bc of ratings..
If only someone had already done this.. That way they could call it a remake or reboot and there would be no doubt it gets done..
Its a vanity plate...
@zacarious: Do douchey drivers make it a poser car though? I own one because Ive loved Skyline since I was about 10, and can't get or afford a real Skyline here in the US.. I also purchased a sedan though for practicality and I think most D-Bags prefer the coupe.. But this car is split pretty evenly 3 ways.. People…
@Foo2rama: @chentambalin: You are honest to God the first person(s) I have ever heard bash the VQ exhaust tone.. I think its glorious
I would not feel bad for the guy. I would feel bad for us.
@RepoManChitown: Good point, didn't consider the financial side.. Now you have me thinking this thing is even scarier, they will probably still reach 275, just cutting corners the whole way...
Thanks, I needed to see someone else living my dream....
@RepoManChitown: The Veyron hit 268 2 years after 253, you don't think 275 is possible? Whatever engineering obstacles are introduced, they will find ways...
@The Slurpee Man: You've got a great point.. If 100 people total purchase this vehicle, how many will ever actually see that top speed? 20%?
That is terrifying, at least with the Veyron theres the delusion that any motorhead with enough road and enough balls could get that thing up to top speed, because of its massive weight and AWD.. But this.. this thing scares me..
@PapaPanda: I see one of these everyday on my commute to and fro. Silver just like the pic, with a big loud fart can muffler and huge "K-SPEC" stickers on it.. Korean Spec? He tries to race me in my G35 sedan almost every single day...
@Naro27: I think its a great idea, I dont watch TV the old fashioned way anymore, and more people are changing their habits. I will not ever rearrange my time to make sure Im in front of the TV for any show.
@Reavyn: Just start watching them online, or on Netflix (if they're on Netflix, Eureka is I think).. Im not sure how ratings work, but that seems like a way to side-step giving ratings to SyFy...
@chersolly: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........ah ha.......ahhhhhhhh ha.....
Im surprised to see such a manageable number.. In this country, in this day and age, I would expect people to project that number to be much higher. Though people are placing a monetary goal on happiness, it is at least a realistic one.
Do we need a direct Ripley replacement? I would say there is no replacement..