
@gifpaste: I will be adopting, some day. That's not the issue.

@KillerBee: and we wonder why feminism is out of hand in america

as long as ALL porn sites are required to use .xxx, it's great...otherwise it's promoting and legitimizing something we shouldn't be drawing attention to

@deep_fryed: got married, and now twins are on the way!!! woo hoo!

@MacAttack: what's to say yours will end up a screaming brat?

@jdale: not only that, but sex helps keep the strength/tone the woman's muscles down there, which make for a much less painful birth experience.

@gifpaste: I am certainly not bored and I certainly want kids. They bring joy and excitement unlike anything else in life (yes, more work as well, but but the trade off is way more than worth it)

@Benedinho: this is the saddest post I've ever read

sounds kind of like the original argument for TV - outside of 'visual talk radio', no one really knew what to do with it.

@SenorStinkyfarts: as an evo owner who has used qik, it is far from efficient. usernames, logins, separate app, it's all annoying/confusing. Not to mention the hoops to jump through just to switch front/back cameras....multiple screen taps in various locations....

@Macoy: the iphone uses gorilla glass (and have, since 2007)

impressive how closely the phones spec out?

@blehbleh13: the original iphone used gorilla glass, I think it stands to reason they would continue to do so.

those last two sentences say it all. I'm not one to endorse 'colorful' language, but well said Adam

I will probably try to catch a 'candid' shot like this

vertical filming? What universe was this filmed in?

vertical filming? What universe was this filmed in?