
He’s my problematic fave in this administration mainly because he is not as stupefyingly ugly as everyone else. To me, obv.

I guess Bohemian Rhapsody is a stupid and judgmental enough “gay” movie for someone like Pompeo to enjoy.

true... $27.50 though is not much out of a austere budget when it goes to a cause you believe in.

Her mom as a villain was weak. With all these netflix shows with the exception of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones S1, the villains ALL had to be related to the hero in someway and that’s just too repetitive to me.


sequel crap is better than original crap... still crap

The kids at The Slot are going to be so mad today.

Why do you like it?

I’ve never forgiven him for the character of Flap Horton. I just can’t.

I miss Rob for posts like this.

Andrew, I can find nothing about this on the Ravensburger website.

It would be incredibly stupid to proceed with Suicide Squad without Robby, Smith, Davis, and Hernandez. The movie was... not great, but these four players brought a lot to their roles.

Is that Drax on the right with that fat roll at the base of his skull?


Neither of you watched the movie.

I was wrong. He took the part because his kid loved the character.

So amazing they used that scene twice!

He starts off thinking he’s in hell, but really it’s just every day life in New York City these days: hipsters, manhattan is a shopping mall, chocolate milk purveyors, etc.

I don’t even think he was supposed to be in the role. Wasn’t someone else cast as Skeletor?

hmm strange he was a fun character