right? bad. ass.
right? bad. ass.
ahahh what’s yours, bootlicker?
I’ve always been puzzled as to why people like Dogma. Anyway, even if Kevin Smith has two allegedly good movies, that’s not reason enough for him to host this. And Kevin Smith and Stan Lee were friends in as much that anyone who was famous and had access to Stan Lee were friends.
Kevin, find something better to do with your time for gods sake.
When did that movie come out again?
Yeah sure.
Can you imagine living the life of Stan Lee, creating a vast universe that will keep people spellbound for ages, someone more influential than christ, and then having a mediocre hack like Kevin Smith host your commemoration? I hope the fires of hell consume Smith as soon as he opens his mouth on that stage.
I’m holding out for The Fat Pope. It’d be so hot.
John Benjamin should host. But not tell the academy. He should just show up and wing it.
I saw this and laughed my ass off, but I think I was the only one who got it.
Hamilton, you think a carbon tax is possible in this idiot country. Who’s the fantasist now?
“We’ve completed the wall!”
He was so good in that. He kind of got lost at the end of the movie, though, through no fault of his own.
That’s awesome.
I haven’t found either to be fun. They are still immensely watchable, but the first one is so derivative of the Star Wars, and your critique of Last Jedi resonates with me, personally. The only Star Wars fun I’ve had have been with Rogue One and the seriously underrated Solo.
Tell him the wall is invisible. He’d believe it.
It was her Howard Dean Scream.