Quick: You have a choice between AOC (no government experience) and Donald Trump (no government experience even after 2 years in office), which do you choose?
Quick: You have a choice between AOC (no government experience) and Donald Trump (no government experience even after 2 years in office), which do you choose?
this ain’t it, chief
My dad is 80 and he could beat up your entire staff. Much to my dismay, he will never die.
Seb Gorka. The cute one.
I had a Jeep key that could start any Jeep. You could even pull it out of the ignition while running.
I love the movie but in Speed Racer they build the Mach 6 in ONE DAY.
Makes it kind of hot. “Grovel you little shits!”
And hot af.
Wow I always thought he resembled Frank Black, but now he looks just like him! Hope he gets better. Always seemed like a cool dude.
I think she was intending to dehumanize and humiliate him much as he did his victims.
this is so well put
I’m over 40 and I’d rather walk into the sea that talk on the phone and I’m quite successful.
what a couple of traitorous idiots
They don’t want to contaminate the indigenous people on the island because they are literally not immune to anything. Yes, they are scared. They are scared of someone sneezing and wiping out the entire population.
Hope they don’t do the KILL THE GAY trope again.
What’s wrong with you?
The most hysterical part of all of this is the “American Fiction” section considering he doesn’t read modern fiction. What a dull person.
Terrific film. Actually made me like that lead actor for the first time.
It didn’t hurt that half the scenes looked like they were painted covers of Tarzan novels. The jungle has never looked more beautiful and scary all at once.