
It just wanted some of that Jurassic Park cash. There is nothing honest or non-cynical about that crap movie.

Some of these movies are so good though. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (Guy Ritchie must be king of making incredible franchise starters that bomb. Man from UNCLE was a delight as well) and Tarzan are fucking rad. And Robin Hood, despite everyone being too old for the parts they played, was supposedly a prequel

it’s been my online screen name since 1996... BurlIvesSexSlave was taken.

Why this was never a production car is beyond all reasoning.

All of them. All the Santas.


You know what would be a good look on Maher? Being on fire.

Agree with you agreeing with me.

Do they bring up the size of Matt’s dick, like, constantly?

No, surprisingly.

Not to me. And why do I alternate between being gray and approved.

He’s cute so I know what I’d ask him to eat.

This happened to me for Isle of Dogs. I normally love Wes Anderson movies, but it was so dull. Also I think the guy from Breaking Bad? I think he’s voice was designed to put you to sleep.


Can you please ask Jim Cummings if he will just start giving us life advice in general? He seems like a really nice man with a calming presence. We could all use that right now.

It was so intense.

Alien, Aliens, and Covenant are all terrific. And Prometheus, for all it’s problems is a beautifully shot film with the scariest and most intense scene in any of the movies: the self Caesarean.

Well they don’t specifically mention he was black either,

I’m a fan of all things Alien, and I really haven’t had a problem with the movies. I actually thought the creation of the xenomorphs by an android who really hates humans was brilliant and fit nicely into the Alien mythos. All the movies except the first two have had problems, but, I mean just let him finish this last
