Oops. My bad. So 1998 was a shitty year. Have fun. Fargo is GOAT.
Oops. My bad. So 1998 was a shitty year. Have fun. Fargo is GOAT.
Never seen Crash. But gd Gladiator was painful. Still better than Shape of Water.
Thin Red Line is T E R R I B L E. And the Oscars where Shakespeare In Love won was aired in 98 for movies from 1997.
I’ll never know.
Titanic deserved it’s win, and Shakespeare in Love is bad, but every movie on the list of 1997 is fucked. The best is probably Saving Private Ryan, but that would be for the Normandy beach invasion scene... one scene out of a terrible movie.
I haven’t seen Crash. Now will I, but I refuse to believe it’s as bad as The English Patient.
Worst Best Picture winner since The English Patient. It was Free Willy with fucking. So ridiculous.
A fascist? There’s more than just Steve King.
It sure will.
doesn’t excuse his actions.
who finished it?
I used to see him at a brunch spot in WeHo all the time and he was always with extremely pale, dark haired boys who looked to be in their teens, but I mean I couldn’t verify their ages, but it creeped everyone out. It was especially weird since the teen-looking boys were always spaced out on something. They were like…
grown is an interesting word to use.
Stephen Dorf?
This is really bad.
Maybe I just don’t like corn, and my tastes generally run toward the european rather than american. If I want a whisky, I drink scotch.