
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

Why the fuck would you provide the link to the video? Ugh.

Aside from the fact that he’s a career criminal... Han shot first.

I’m sorry, that’s stupid. Han Solo is many things. Thief, scoundral, rouge. But he is overall still a good person and an honorable one. I find the idea that he could be openly cheating on his wife hard to reconcile with all we know about the character. And since the old EU is no longer valid that’s pretty much just

We, the living, can only shrug at Solo’s bullshit.

I work full time looking to call BS on the DoD where it actually exists. Neither Russia or the US are completely innocent in this regard, far from it, but the Russian media machine is an entirely different animal. If you think this is bias analysis so be it, but I would read through my work, I think you will find it

allegations of fraud, forgery, and fondling,

What is the point of this article? To expose that ESPN hired a conservative? The politicized life is so tiresome. “Never ever deal with anybody or anything that might have different political views than you.”

DC resident here too and I honestly believe she will be the worst mayor in recent memory. She’s going whole-hog on selling up anything to developers.

Some great Mario Party cosplay.

Some things never change. Another Marshall football player goes down in flames.

Even after all these years of employing Thomas, the Knicks PR dept still hasn’t figured out how to add “ Isiah” to their MS Office dictionary

“I wish I was unbeaten.”

He doesn’t want them dead, he wants them not happy. Once they are dead, the Cubs can win, but that day needn’t be today.

Yes. Ashley Judd can kill him now.

Nailed it.

Yeah, at 33 Jesus spent a lot of time just hanging out too.

Well, first I’ll say that the use of the word “violence” to refer to harm caused intentionally and unintentionally in the realm of racial, gender, and sexual politics has a rich scholarly history that I draw on personally. I don’t believe that it belittles the reality of physical violence to think and write more

A confused Wayne Rooney keeps wondering why he can't swipe the picture right.