
Check Pete Hines’ donation, like, 10 minutes ago. What a freaking mensch. And yes, I think it is this Pete Hines. No real way to verify, but damn would that be a nice ending!

Just normal college students, right?!

I think this is an important point. The way justice works is rather banal. Question: in your experience, would you say that the frequency of cases like Adnan’s is over-estimated, at least in the minds of the public? I don’t doubt there are very real problems with the justice system, but one can hold the belief that

Yeah, I know :(

Thanks mang. I appreciate you being charitable! You seem like a pretty swell dude, and the Simpsons are great, obviously.

Yeah, I know, I suck.

If by “edge” you mean self-righteous and lazy hipster critiques on how something is terrible because those you deem below you actually like it, sure, I’m sure plenty of folks are clamoring.

That’s a pretty crappy thing to do, dude.

I do not like the dirt bikers, but i love this comment. And yeah, fuck Rolling Thunder too. I hate those assholes.

Wait, but what about DC and Boston? Did I mention I saw it happen in DC?

I am not old and I get it. This article is just ridiculous.

In DC, too. I’ve been driving when it happens, and it’s terrifying—not because of the people, but because of how they’re riding.

This is truly an article that only a privileged white person who seeks to capture any kind of pseudo-revolutionary feeling to invigorate their ironic and antiseptic lives could write.

I’m a big fan of the whole “an unjust law is not law at all” sentiment, so the fact that they’re doing something “illegal” doesn’t bug me so much as it does other commentors. But, we have groups of dirt bike/ATV crews in DC where I live, and I can see a compelling case of them being a nuisance,or a danger.

I’ve seen

This is literally the first comment you read on that shitty Lady Gaga ripoff video

“manderson2011: How are the Steelers gay? Having being the only team ever to have 6 Super Bowls”

i love you


i’m gonna burp you like a baby

I think you confused Welbeck and Sturridge in your Arsenal section. For some reason, I do the same thing too on occasion. That’s my only gripe!