
Walker, Ex's Anger.

Well, okay. But that's a circular argument. If you had a regular column in New York Magazine, with millions of hits for every article you wrote, then people would care about your opinions too.

You're inferring a lot of qualities onto Chait's piece (like smarminess, unconsiderateness, supposedly demanding that you shut

Sure, say that with a straight face until you do or say something 'they' don't like. Illegal, moral or otherwise.

Or maybe she wanted to show her asshole friend just how wrong she was. The friend was saying that two teenagers must be up to no good because they were hanging out in Tuhoy's store, Tuhoy not only proved the friend wrong, but also showed her that her shitty behavior wasn't accepted in her store, (and even more

This is a fair point. I find though that most people who describe themselves as "-ish" generally don't fall into those categories anyway, those just happen to be the vocal wings of the movement.

Now playing

Chuck tried it a couple of years ago and succeeded:

Sure! Here you go:

I suppose Katy Perry's "California Gurls" should have discussed water shortages, migrant farm worker's rights, rising rent and gentrification, and state budget shortfalls.