A fucking amateur.
A fucking amateur.
Hmm. I think I might like the trucks better than the cars.
The guy is a fucking amateur.
Let’s shine a little light on THIS cat. If he’s getting the headlines and stories about him being “the brains behind Trump,” maybe Donnie Dipshit’s jealousy streak will shine through and Bannon will be sent packing.
Man. I feel like I should pay a fee, or at least buy you a beer. Good stuff. Thanks.
Interesting. Thanks for the information. Good stuff. I mean not a good situation, but good information.
Regardless of whether the cop issues her Miranda Rights, does she or does she not have the right to remain silent?
Tell y0u what, dipshit, how about you just join the fucking Sierra Club, apply for a job with the sanitation department OR just fuck off in general. You choose.
Hello, Miranda Rights anyone? An extra charge for not telling her name. Pretty sure she has the RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. Fuck this cop. Fuck him in the ass with the biggest, fattest DICK OF JUSTICE you can find.
Seriously. I think he has mental issues that make him unfit to serve. His “straight talk” approach is just straight up mental illness on the level of Kim Jong-un. Yes, this is really fucking scary.
“... this unbelievable narcissist who could change the face of our world ...”
Dude got a little taste of “the biz” when he was dancing with the “stars,” and now he’s playing the role of the “lovable dork.” “He he, look how dumb I am. Aw shucks.”
I’d have tons more respect for her if she did.
Donnie and Vlad would be a great comedy team — if the SHIT WASN’T SO GODDAMN SERIOUS!
That dude made some great candy, with his buddy Mike.
What is more likely, Donald Trump offering Sarah Palin a cabinet post in exchange for a blowjob or Palin agreeing to it?
Exactly. Plus, after a few days in General Population, he’ll REALLY wish he was dead.
Burn the mother fucker down, O! Not like it matters anymore.
That probably would not have helped his re-election campaign in 2012. Imagine what the conservatives would have done with that one.