
Nope, nope, nope. I’m reliably told by every narcissist I ever met that other people are always the problem.

Anyone who works a regular job in the public sector would refuse something like this because the standard is you can’t even have the “appearance of a conflict of interest.” A student got me a chocolate-covered fruit basket once and I had to give it away because of how it might look.

My hot take is that all these guys (e.g. Depp, Manson, and currently in Germany, where I live, Till Lindemann and Til Schweiger) seem to cruise through life, acting like 20 year old childless men whether or not they have kids, ‘getting away with it’ and then in their late 50s/early 60s, the wheels seem to come off and

Hey Scalito: the fact that you complained about the free accommodations and food does not make them “modest” or “homestyle,” it just makes you a corrupt and ungrateful shit.

Infamous shitbag does shitty things.

I usually roll my eyes when celebrities put this sort of stuff out there, because normally it stinks of PR stunt.

Good point! If she doesn’t make your personal dick hard, she definitely deserves to be bullied for aging or gaining weight. 

“their safety remains our top priority.”

Good. I simultaneously wish these two a long, happy life independent of the British monarchy, and want them to shut the fuck up.

FART is better, feminisim appropriating radical transphobe. 

Thank you. I responded similarly above thread.

BAO wasn’t capeing for anti-vaxxers. They were just stating the plain fact that, yes, “things happen”, and that still doesn’t validate antivax rhetoric. Reign it in a little.

They absolutely *do*, and when people flat out refuse to listen to their stories it makes the extremely ‘pro-vax’ people seem like they are the ones who lack understanding.  It’s widely acknowledged that, while rare, injuries can and do happen.  Everyone wants to be cool and woke and lift up the underdog, until that

You clearly do not understand the purpose or accuracy of VAERS, it does not in any way back up your opinion. Anyone can report anything to VAERS. Please read and do your homework before spouting misinformation, otherwise people will just continue to laugh at you (like we all do with RFK, Jr. )

The world was the “lab” and the vaccine did not produce any significant side effects or instant hearts attacks nor any other pattern of harm that you or your savior RFK, Jr. can point to. These are facts, these are numbers, Kennedy is talking out of his a** and has absolutely no statistics he can point to, nor do his

I thought that about Cheeto-head.

Boebert is *exactly* the type of person you sort of knew in high school who you *have* to stay Facebook friends with because she’s nonstop drama, fights, 911 calls, text screenshots, etc.

Only working with men, regardless of the reason, is gender discrimination so why hasn’t he been sued yet?

All of these rich assholes just have the thinnest skin imaginable. 

Testosterone is a hell of a drug.