Is broken dick a serious disease? Viagra got the fastest FDA approval. Can we sue the FDA for that?
Is broken dick a serious disease? Viagra got the fastest FDA approval. Can we sue the FDA for that?
And I hate the Nate storyline just as much as Jack. He’s clearly supposed to stil have this soft, vulnerable core that he’s hiding from Rupert. (It’s so obvious these two are gonna fight, Rupert will be an asshole, and Nate will go running back to Ted who will forgive him.)
And fuck Jezebel for their bizarrely neutral reporting during the trial, only jumping on the Depp-hate bandwagon after the fact for clicks. I checked this site EVERY day that month for an actually feminist take on the trial, but literally nowhere on this site could I find one. Amber deserved better, especially from…
“some of the absolutists believe aborting a perfectly healthy child in the 40th week of pregnancy is morally acceptable.”
So when she said "I've been here" she meant... in spirit?
Nah, she didn’t call Nate because she still wanted her deal with Matsson and to have the dems win. She makes the same amount of strides and missteps as Kendall and Roman, it just seems the characters in the show and the audience hold her to a different standard because she’s a gal.
I get the momentary thrill of saying shit like this but sterilization is actually happening to people in the criminal justice system and this attitude soothes the people making it happen. Like, exercising reproductive control is not a power the state should have even over murderers.
They weren’t concerned about white supremacy; they were using our concerns about white supremacy to try and prevent us from calling out white supremacists’ violent misogyny so that they themselves could protect and preserve it as a viable weapon for themselves.
I keep going back to that woman in 2016...I think she was at CPAC. She spouted one of Trump’s lies, the reporter corrected her (oh, those were the days), and the old woman said, “Well, never mind. I choose to believe it’s true.”
Wow who could have seen this coming? If only journalists and media houses would take a break from profiting off of Trump. So many careers and millionaires have been made off platforming him. Trump is uncontrollable. CNN knows it, Kaitlin Collins knows it and they decided to go ahead anyway because it is good for ad…
Make it make sense...President Town Drunk says he doesn’t know her but knows that she had a cat named Vagina*...
You mean someone like Bernie Sanders, an elected official, who has repeatedly endorsed antichoice candidates because “class” was the “larger issue?”
Dems not holding her accountable and saying she needs to resign immediately is just another tick in the box for “why Dems are so goddamn shitty at actually winning in government despite being the better of the two parties”
Repubs would gladly drive over her in a monster truck with their own children if it meant they…
It’s long been said that when Republicans lose an election, their solution is to move further right, and when Democrats lose an election, their solution is to also move further right.
Complaining about the Dems getting extreme is just about the dumbest political comment that people make to try to sound smart or moderate. To the extent that Dems have moved left, which is limited to a handful of issues like health care, it is only to the point that is considered centrist and sensible in literally…
Well, she never said the parties were moving to the opposite extremes, in her defence. /s
It was definitely subtle, but Sally goads him with the “bad boy god” line, feeds into his ego by claiming his junk is “impressive,” and then strokes his shoulder as she’s leaving for the bathroom.