
My original post was that Peterson could simply help young men understand that the best way to be less lonesome is to stop considering women as trophies to be obtained, and instead consider them to be fellow humans. Instead he seems to posit that today’s culture makes young men become isolated because they can no

(although I’m sure it’s better than Top Gun: Maverick, which got shitty reviews)

Crying because you’re emotionally wounded is such a beta cuck move. Real alpha Chads would never simp so low.

anything that makes Jordan Peterson cry I will gladly support”

It seems that cops don’t really Do anything, though. They don’t prevent crime and their presence is HARDLY a deterrent. I’m also confused why cops aren’t obligated to put their lives on the line for the safety of others. We expect firefighters to rush into burning and collapsing buildings on a daily basis - they don’t

At this point, if you believe ANY story from the police that the murdered victim had a gun or was firing back at the police, you are Very gullible. 

Now playing

Ah, the “it’s coming right for us!” defense. Classic.

The only thing I can think of is their presence as a psychotic, violent, armed force may stop some would-be criminals from doing something, for fear they might get caught? It’s only preventative...otherwise, they’re just there to protect property for the rich.

What an amazingly ignorant bootlicking piece of shit.

She was 14 and kidnapped by her father, who had just killed her mother you fuckwit, there's no "so called" about her being the victim in the situation

That word, ‘possibly’, is sure carrying a lot of weight here.

Shoot, shoot and shoot shoot is probably the official moto in all major cities’ police dpts in the US.

Augh, yeah. In a kinda similar vein, I was about to come to the comments to say something along the lines of “wonder if the people who kept sitting on their hands when it was just folks they considered icky getting targeted now recognize we weren’t fucking lying when we said they’re coming for everyone with even the

Right? The fact that she followed right up with Margaret Thatcher tells me that she’s well aware of right-wing women being elected as a bad thing for a country, but that her schtick about women supporting women is more important.

Don’t forget! Girl Bosses support Girl Bosses

I posted in another thread, but I agree. I think a lot of victims get hung up on convictions because that’s the only kind of justice they’ll get. It’s easier to mentally smooth over some inconsistencies to believe the right person is being punished than accept that the system totally failed and the real attacker is

Back when I was fresh out of film school, and wanted to learn more about film theory while pursuing a career in the industry, I was very willing to sit through movies I wasn’t enjoying, or even bad movies, but that’s not where I’m at now. If I’m not deriving any value from it, there are better uses of my time.

I had to sign a waiver promising not to abuse, go doctor shopping, or sell my .5 mg of lorazepam pills (that I only take like twice a week.) These things are becoming more common. Whether something I signed in a provider’s office without counsel present would hold up in court, I am not sure. 

I think I have only had to sign the one when i pick it up at the pharmacy saying if I have been counseled or if I decline to be counseled by the pharmacist. 

Birth defects are, from a medical liability perspective, about the most expensive form of side effect - a company could end up having to pay for life-long care (from birth) for a dozens of patients.