Hey now, two of them gave their names to crummy comic strips!
Hey now, two of them gave their names to crummy comic strips!
"We may never know his name, but his words will live on…'to a retarded.'"
If only Bush had died a month into office… Who was next in line again?
Oh. Never mind.
Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!
A winner is also you.
Shall we sing praises to Allah together in the ashes of our enemies?
How do you do, fellow liberals?
Show your work.
Unless he wins. That'd just be scary as shit.
NEEDS MORE 11S!!!!!!!!111!!!!!1!
Screw you, Andy Kaufman! Any idiot can fake his death for thirty years!
Majority? We should be so unlucky!
It was just crazy enough to to not work!
Knock yourself out!
Where can I get one of these swallets?
When some random guy who (probably?) doesn't actually believe your case defends it better than you, you have a problem.
And then a stripper pops out and stabs him!
Oh wait, that's how you'd kill a Tarantino CHARACTER…
Insnu-uating it? Insin-snu-ating it? In-snu-snu-ating… Eh, I give up.
Pen Ward has the second-greatest denial of drug-based inspiration I've ever heard: "I'm just naturally stupid."
The best, of course, was Salvador Dali: "I don't do drugs. I am drugs."