
What's the perfect show for people who are oblivious to their serious shortcomings?

For the right price.

"I just think they're neat!"

He must work there or something.


And someplace you REALLY REALLY don't want to live.

I just want to know why he's even there after they closed the prison down. I like to think the city just forgot about him and he's been living off rats for the past fifty years.

Yes, Mr. Presley, everything stinks.

Between this episode, Brother from Another Series, and Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badass Song, Bart has always been great for mismatched partnerships.

Would you watch Futureum?

Disturbing, but true.

This has got to be the high point of an unexpectedly decent season. The Knowledgeum and toy store scenes aren't just packed with sight gags - they're probably The Simpsons' best shot of pure, crazy joy.

"And now, the Joker's opening remarks."
"For those of you listening at home, he seems to have machinegunned the audience…"

And then died on the way to his home planet.

Don't forget the cat lady gag! Especially when she showed up a second time out of nowhere and started throwing cats!

Within the past two-three years? Nooooope.

It's next to the Olmec head.

It doesn't take a nucular scientist to know how to spell "dummening"!

Wait, Girly Edition? That really seemed like the second half of the one-two punch with Lisa the Skeptic that turned Lisa from the heart of the show into an obnoxious scold.

You'd think she'd remember Alice warned her it was a trap…