
I'm not "claiming" anything. There's clear evidence that you refuse to acknowledge. And why are you so hung up on the fact that I couldn't *possibly* be a POC? Frankly your entire refusal to accept that *omigosh* we could be capable of forming their own opinions and aren't just one homogenous hivemind is pretty

Lol, okay buddy. I don't know what to tell you. You won't take my word for it, and refuse to see proof, so I guess you can go on being willfully ignorant.

"I'm a POC"
"Lol no way you're a POC"
*posts proof that I'm a POC*
"nope nope not listening, nanananana"

Edit: edited this post into my previous one above.

As a POC, I find nothing more offensive than blatant racism, even if it's against white people. Sonia's a disgrace.