burglar can't heart click anything


Aw, it thinks it's a jet!

Speedycop /thread

Cat Bus!

My dog would fucking destroy this thing in about ten minutes.

I'm a big fans of sexy, revealing costumes, like the ones Baja Bugs wear.

Everything is bigger in Texas including, but not limited to, ignorance.

Zippo Car

This one's for Raph.

Trick or EYE BLEACH!!

"This electric magnets that further convert into electrical energy."

The launch ads for Infiniti back in the 80s are widely regarded as one of the biggest car ad blunders ever. They featured beaches, rocks, geese...everything but the cars they were trying to sell!

Ah yes, the rotten pear! Excellent choice, sir!

Never understood trying to downmarket your brand. The Cadillac Catera was a bad idea, the ad campaign was worse. Ziggy the Catera Duck? Ugh. Using cartoon characters is good for selling kids' cereal, but not so great for selling luxury automobiles.

How about TrueCar's "I'm a woman and I know nothing" campaign? That was unbelievable.

Step 3: Remain mired in whatever era you've decided was the golden age of automobiles, and then decry any advancements past it as "too complex and heavy."

I'm much more interested in whether Ford was able to drop the 400+ pounds from the vehicle's weight they had promised they would.

DAMN YOU!!!! Why have you shown me this?

I'll just leave this here.