"Comb the desert!"
"Comb the desert!"
Frogland? Is Mssr. Frogberg a resident?
Anywhere from 100 million to 1 billion per mile.
Planet Earth.
Any Top Fuel dragster. Lots of gas, lots of broken parts, and all to go 1/4 mile... awesome
I had that same google search image ready for my next post. LOL too funny.
I just hope it doesn't mean this turd is making a comeback.
Because warped rotors is a misnomer. Read this article - these guys have a ton of experience with brakes. Rotors rarely warp.
Everything. Most people don't know anything about how a car works. I'm not one of those people, but I'm also fortunate to have a great mechanic who specializes in my specific car and just does what I ask him to without trying to sell me on anything if theres something I dont want to do myself.
Blinker fluid. Fuckin' asshole mechanic always overcharges me for that. I know it can't really take 8 hours of labor to refresh it!
Can be insanely expensive to fix. You'll get better life out of it if you have a respectable mechanic replace the stock plutonium reactor with a Mr. Fusion, which allows you to run on cleaner, garbage-based fuel.
Wheel alignment
"Warped" rotors
I don't read Japanese but my take on the images is that the Subaru EyeSight system is designed to mow down moonwalking pedestrians.
Loeb Tips Cap, And Car, in Salute to WRC Career.
Leob Decides to Have a Twist Ending, Shyamalan Not Impressed.
One more:
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