Burg Hurdler

Black guy getting in trouble for a forty? Sounds like racial profiling to me.

Interleague play began in 1997 and the Expos played in Montreal through the 2004 season.

You could cut that tension with a butter knife.

Do you have a few minutes to talk about accepting Mr. Met into your life?

Bo knows interdisciplinary social sciences.

Because that is the purpose of the league.

Hopefully the money was donated to autism research.

Las Vegas Strippers

Another poor decision made by LeBron.

It’s a nerd who can’t socially communicate with other people.

When did Dolan buy Gawker Media?

This season’s Warriors and Spurs are literally two of the best teams ever, old man.

Congratulations on taking a law exam.

Meet me in Temecula.

You forgot about the Warriors/Blazers game, bro!

The The are an English musical and multimedia group that have been active in various forms since 1979, with singer/songwriter Matt Johnson being the only constant band member.

Should’ve worn a condom.

Have you been to Vegas? It’s not just about gambling anymore.

The Starters will have a very solid discussion.