Eh, I know I probably shouldn’t but I tend to give people who lived through WW2 a little bit of leeway on being stupid about this sort of thing.
Eh, I know I probably shouldn’t but I tend to give people who lived through WW2 a little bit of leeway on being stupid about this sort of thing.
Professionalism or not, being BFFs with Scalia is highly suspect.
Uhh. No. Marla didn’t “get her ass knocked up.” Trump knocked her up. Women don’t “get themselves pregnant.” Some tool who refused to wear a condom did.
at a previous job, god, i cannot believe i’m saying this, a coworker asked me to help clean up her home computer because it had run out of space and she had no idea how that could be. since i knew she had a son, i had an inkling of what might be taking up all that space. and while i fully expected to find many large…
How many dead dogs per classroom these days?
You think the ratio of teachers/aides to students should be better than 1/4? That’s a true fantasy and, frankly, completely unnecessary. 1/20 would be nice though.
I don’t think that’s necessarily a Gawker thing. I think it’s a combination of people who hate the “thoughts and prayers” sentiments because they’re pretty much meaningless and people who get pissed at Republican lawmakers sending their “thoughts and prayers” in the wake of tragedies that usually include gun violence…
File this one under “How Not To Be An Ally.”
Sorry but I just need to vent. If I see one more news story on this where they neglect to mention that this attack was directed at a Gay Nightclub, I might scream. So many news shows are clearly avoiding the fact that it was directed at the LGTQI community and is a hate crime. They keep saying “Nightclub” and that’s…
I’m a man who has been blackout drunk many times. Even with serious “clouded judgement” moments there was never a time where I thought “I should have sex with this unconscious girl”. You either have morals or you don’t. He doesn’t.
Mine falls in in with the always destined to go woefully awry “good intention lie”. My mom and my biological father divorced when I was about 9 months old. My mother immediately started dating my stepfather (here after referred to as “Dad”). They had dated before but broke up because my dad felt he was too young to…
I’m the liar.
I thought as a kid that before color video, the whole world was in black and white. Not just movies.
My mom convinced me that people could change their race.
When I was really young, like eight maybe, my family was friends with some neighbors. They were all white except for the oldest son. I was a kid in a super white town, so confused kid me asked my mom how white people could have a black child. My mother, rather…
My friend’s dad used to grow weed next to his tomato plants, and one of the first times he smelled weed somewhere else, he went, “It smells like my dad’s tomato plants!”
Love you too! I believed that one hard for about fifteen years and it caused a lot of pain and strife. And then my eyes were opened and I decided to live my life the way I was meant to. And now me and Cindymoo are inseparable.
I attended a fundamental baptist middle school (ankle length jean skirts, chapel, no pop music, etc) and I distinctly remember a “science” class where they had to do some major mental gymnastics to support a literal biblical interpretation of science. Fossils are a lie from Satan, carbon dating is a trick by…
I am so god damned gullible i can’t even remember all of them. Most recently, JUST THIS WEEK, a coworker emailed to say her kid was reciting a poem at his school for the Christmas pageant and that “it would be on CNN.”
That I can make myself straight.