
Oh my, that Seth is such a charming young man. Now be a dearie and fetch me my knitting.

That video was about as interesting as bowl of plain discount store-brand vanilla ice cream; just like Seth Meyers.

"Vote for Pedro" Ha ha, they said that in the movie, remember? (Am I doing this correctly?)

You clicked the Play button!?

Cool story!

Space Raccoons are one thing, but a Walkman?! C'mon, suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

I don't like booze. I'm a weed man. Last night I smoked a bowl and watched the Westminster Dog Show.

Good luck. I gave it the ol' college try and made it maybe halfway through before I gave up. I think it's free (or like $0.99) on Kindle.

I'm kinda over gettin told to throw my hands up in the air. So there.

You're using English, but I can't make much sense of it. Try again when you're not drunk.

Directors in other countries point their cameras AWAY from the action. That's what makes Romanian New Wave superior.

Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking Neesons on this motherfucking plane!

Like when someone says "I'm not racist, but…"

Fortunately, Romanian New Wave is such a strong genre that even a sloppy one warrants a B-. Or do I have it backwards? Maybe Romanian New Wave is such a pile of garbage that a movie gets a B- just for having the director point the camera at the actors.

"Virtually unrecognizable to anyone who knows her only as Mr. Lazarescu’s harried nurse, Luminita Gheorghiu plays a fur-clad society dame named Cornelia"

"Supergroups" remind me of the game kids play in the cafeteria at school, where you mix together a bunch of random foods/beverages and dare people to drink/eat it. Once in while you get something edible, but mostly it makes people want to vomit.

I think you're thinking too hard about this. In the minds of the people who made this movie and the audience they made it for, dark people are evil.

Yeah, if the Space Raccoon's voice isn't believable as that of a REAL Space Raccoon, this movie will lose credibility.

Like Avatar, it will be a completely original story. The storyline is about a group of seven unlikely heroes banding together to save a Space Princess who has been poisoned with a poisonous space apple and fallen into a deep slumber. She is eventually awakened with a kiss from a Space Prince.

After the original ending tested poorly with focus groups, the movie now ends with a high-angle shot of Jesus and Judas driving off into the mountains together.