
I'm not gonna be able to handle it when Corey Feldman dies. He did so much to advance cinema in the 80s, and he touched so many lives.

Show me where on the Dolly you were touched.

Phoebe Price, Jon Gosselin, and the old guy from Pawn Stars.

Honey Boo Boo, George Zimmerman, Octomom.

White man's burden.

I was willing to overlook the exclamation point in !!!'s name.

In general, I agree. But when the article is trying to make the point that the person spoke for an entire generation, I don't see a problem with people from that generations commenting that they don't even know who the person is. Is pertinent to the point of the article.

Nice, dude! Maybe after she's buried you can go piss on her grave.

Don't you remember the mid-90's when teens from across the country made pilgrimages to NYC to see her perform?

Against My Black Emperor Machine at the Disco!!!

They were good when they played basements, but once they sold out and started doing living rooms, I stopped following them.


Agreeing to perform at the Grammies is like agreeing to suck dick for $20. If the dude whose dick you're sucking cuts you off before you're done but pays you anyway, why would you complain?

Imagine Dragons is supposed to be a supergroup?

You can tell he's a rebel 'cause he smokes cigarettes and doesn't button his shirt in a conventional manner.

Cool story, bro.

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

That's my point; rather than develop interesting characters, they settled for just checking off the list from the comic.

The neat thing about media is that it lives on, so you can review it and judge it in the present, even if it was made in the past.

Was that the one with Hugh Jackman singing?