
Shallow chicks who dig emo guys and base their relationships on taste in music?

If you think listening to a certain band is a good way to get girls, I suggest you focus more of your time on studying for finals and practicing for your driver's license exam. When you become an adult, you'll realize how stupid that idea is.

"I'd like a DUMB tall blonde, please. Ha ha, get it?"

The Green Mile was OK, but not nearly as good as Shawshank. I think The Mist is overrated.

I think the same approach was used in casting for TWD: "You've got your white guy, your Asian kid, your black chickā€¦ we checked all the boxes on the checklist. What more do we need to do?"

Darabont caught lightning in a bottle with The Shawshank Redemption. The Walking Dead is only popular because it's about zombies. What I'm saying is: I think he's a hack.

don't forget Gene Frenkle on cowbell.

I'm still having trouble parsing the headline "Exclusive: Watch Into It. Over It." What is "it" and how do I "watch into" something?

Maggie is the actress; Mark is the ex-baseball player.

Was that supposed to be the effect? I got the opposite reaction; I thought this trailer was making fun of the notion of him being "badass".

Also, the sky is blue.

Doesn't that happen all the time? An aging actor or actress gets an award for a role that didn't really deserve it because the Academy (or whoever) is making up for them being slighted in the past when they DID deserve it.

That's not what I was implying. I was just saying she looks turtle-y. Who are you, the PC police?

I thought that was a picture of one of the turtles from the new TMNT movie.

Or Clooneys.

There are reports of soldiers from opposing sides stopping to share Grey Poupon on the battlefield.

Meh, looks OK. Hey do you guys still have any tickets left for that big "That Awkward Moment" premiere? Am I too late!?

"Recent" allegations? We've know Allen was a perv since 1992. Apparently it only became an issue recently, and only in the context of Oscars.

So, he's really gritty?

You go to concerts for the hair? Or does her hair affect her music somehow?