

If they had, the terrorists would have won.

Have I put my life in jeopardy simply by reading this? Oh God, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

Local Man Keeps Reminding People He Doesn't Care About the Oscars

If only there was some less expensive way for creative people to get together and exchange ideas. You know, like some sort of virtual forum or something. Maybe someday we'll have some sort of world-wide network that will allow this. In the meantime, we'll just have to keep booking expensive venues and selling tickets.

I have opinions, too, but I'm humble enough to realize nobody cares.

"Now is an amazing time for creative people, but the only way for creative people to share ideas is by traveling to LA and staying in an expensive hotel and paying to attend a conference."

Well, if there's one thing creative people in the LA area need, it's another excuse for a circle-jerk.

Ellen Page is a cute girl, but not "sexy".

If that's the case, then a bigger audience = more laughs IF YOU'RE FUNNY.

I saw Louis C.K. kill it in a 3,700-seat arena. Ever seen Eddie Murphy Raw? Or any of the numerous killer shows that great comics have done in front of arenas?

You may know her as the recurring character that gets less and less funny each time she appears.

Is it OK to think he's just kind of douchy?

I've been listening to the shit out of this album and Royals isn't even close to being the best song.

Speaking of pretentious…

LOL, touche.

What a shite post.

Fox names its series by yelling out the name of the first object they see. "House!" "Rake!" "New Girl!"

The Fred Thompson episodes are enjoyable simply because you can amuse yourself by reminding yourself that he tried to run for President. Makes me chuckle every time.

Remember that lawyer show you've seen a hundred times? It's back! In Greg Kinnear form!