
Probably something with Rob Riggle.

Oh, so you've seen the show too? I can tell because you quoted it. Now it's my turn. "Hey, George Michael!"

I only watch movies recorded on wax cylinders.

"There's always money in the banana stand!" (Am I doing it right?)

Coming to Theaters in 2014: The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started A Conversation With At A Party Movie!

I guess they figure two mediocre comics are as good as one decent comic.

If he's a good comic, wouldn't his act be funny anywhere? "More suited to smaller venues" sounds like code for "not very good".

I think it's cute SNL thinks people would care about this. It's like Gwyneth Paltrow tweeting her bowel movements.

Probably. If she were dumber and less talented, she could have a long and fruitful career in pop music.

Nothing destroys the fun of a pop song quite like dissecting and over-analyzing it.

Fun fact: the company behind the Tupac hologram already went bankrupt.

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

If that's a "Beatles reunion", then I guess it's a "family reunion" when my brother and I hang out.

so she wasn't funny back then either?

Leave the headshots on my desk and we'll call you if we have something for your client.

Suggested title: "Ladies Gone" (This is the third in the "Gone" trilogy, right?)

Still works, though.

That explains a lot.

How about "Holstercooch"?

Neither. It was a revulvar.