
Congrats on substituting one addiction for another, I guess. You're still nicotine addicts, but now you look pretentious while getting your fix.

Maybe your browser it rendering it incorrectly. I see lines.

I was a teenage Frankenstein.

I am shocked and dismayed by the lack of historical and cultural accuracy in this game about Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un playing basketball.

I guess you're still catching up on old episodes. SPOLER: Leslie loses her city council seat in a recall vote.

When it comes to political shows, audience prefer realism to fantasy.

Was that the one where they bait you into thinking you're playing a futuristic sci-fi RPG and then dump you onto a planet that is suspiciously similar to Earth in the Middle Ages? Yeah, I got conned into that one as well.

They'll probably air the trailer before some other movie that needs a box office boost, knowing that lots of knuckleheads will gladly pay $10 to see a trailer.

Because everything else in Marvel comics has mainstream appeal?

It's meant to reflect the reaction that audiences will have to the movie.

"What are: four movies that have never been in my kitchen?"

Sure you can, since it's shaped like a muscular human male.

If we saw this last week when it came out, wouldn't this be the SECOND look?

Cool story, bro!

A band calling themselves The Civil Wars gets into a highly-publicized internal battle just before the release of their latest album. What an interesting coincidence.

I have no interest in anything by Bon Iver or Randy Newman, but the rest sound interesting.

JoBeth Williams-PoltergeistPantiesScene is my favorite actress!