Burger Regent

Ya, that's a pretty weird statement to have made.

You know straight people aren’t the only stoners right? 

The article seems to imply that the sort of things she mentions don’t happen, the article I posted about the clinic proves what she believes, it may not be the norm but is real, it happens. In a previous article they said that Rowling was waging a “crusade”, isn’t that a bit overblown? How is she the most influential

Yeah no. In the game Jerry talks about needing to remove it because they have tried multiple tests and haven’t figured anything out. The samples from it still infect normal blood samples just like non-mutated cordyceps.
There’s no mention of a “chemical” that the cordyceps is producing.

In the show, if they know it’s a

I liked that they stuck with the original ending, but it definitely felt way different than the game.

They DID change the ending tho. The fireflies knowing why she’s immune makes the “remove her cordyceps” ending no longer make sense.

The power of the ending of both the game and the show is that we're left guessing if Ellie believes Joel. Imo that's way more interesting than showing very obvious hints that she doesn't.

She didn’t do that.

Don’t worry, I have not followed the reply’s advice to set myself on fire.

Carolyn, you really need to relax. You are reading WAY too deep into some of this shit. I get it, it’s cool to be on the Rowling hate train and Kotaku loves stirring up unnecessary controversies, but it’s okay to enjoy video games, even controversial ones, without the baggage of social commentary and toxic social

#1 - Calling JK a “virulent transphobe” is a bit of an exaggeration, no? I suppose it’s subjective.

On the main page before clicking on the article, it indicated there were 11 replies. Minute or so later it said 4 and as of this writing I can only see 2. Gotta be some furious deleting going on.

I mean I’ve already seen a now deleted comment saying to someone to set themselves on fire for posting a different, pretty non offensive viewpoint. Classy.

Kotaku is losing me more and more every article you all write, im a full fledged liberal that thinks trans rights are human rights. I cant stand coming to this site hardly anymore because its not about games its about politics. In every article. I’m just trying to escape, my life is rough too...

it’s a video game.

The dude probably can’t afford it either. He’s just abusing the DMCA takedown system to troll the developers and deprive them of revenue. It happens to YouTubers all the time because anyone can file a takedown notice for any reason without providing proof.

DMCA is way too broad and easily abused.

Game mechanics like rules can’t be copyrighted so he probably doesn’t have a leg to stand on but it will take time and money for the courts to decide if it has merit.

I love this game.