Burger Regent

Because there is no antisemitism in Harry Potter. Goblins are a fantasy trope. Take it up with D&D and the thousands of fantasy books written before her.

Hogwarts Legacy was bound to be popular no matter how the discourse shook out.”

Ya, it’s a good game, just like the reviews show. Real gamers don’t let radical activists stop them from enjoying a game.

“Accessing Roald Dahl’s work, for instance? Yes, he was an antisemite. But he’s dead, the work he’s remembered for doesn’t push his bigoted narratives, and his estate has publicly apologized for his bigotry.”

Then. Leave. God, you’re acting like someone is out here asking you to post all your bullshit hyperboles. Just move on already.

No, I think the real message from your

Don’t see why they would considering it’s just a normal Irish name. Maybe Google before you start posting stupid ass memes and hot takes.

Lol. Trans activists be acting like they the only ones with rights. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom from tyranny.

Joining a movement while having no understanding of the consequences of such a decision is absurd. Approaching things intelligently is better than jumping on a bandwagon. This is just bullying and harassment, to be honest. Trans supporters are no better than anyone. Trans people need to stop shutting down discussion

This is deeply ironic considering that it is the trans activists coming into this thread about the HP game and telling everyone their view ad-nauseum and shutting down all legitimate discussion.

Can you just leave the thread discussing the game? Are you so starved for attention that you need to comment on every HP game thread? Can you just stop already and take a second to realize how narcissistic you come off and realize that the whole world does not revolve around you?

None of that is true. Limiting public discourse is un-Democratic unless it’s a clear hate crime, which this is literally not.

Give me a break, trans people are hardly the canary in the coal mine. Far more indicative are laws in the southwest targets latinx, or police violence against black people, or removal of rights like abortion from women. Actually in comparison to those three groups, trans rights don’t look half-bad


Really? But here Angel is doing exactly that to people who want to play a game

yeah man, pretty sure black people get murdered more by police than trans people do. Show me some statistics about the frequency of trans people getting killed by police. I’ll wait.

You’re the one coming to a page specifically about the game. Maybe go elsewhere if you don’t want to hear people talk about it.

Have you watched Woody Allen movies? Do you watch Buffy or Firefly? How about rewatching Parks and Recreation? Have you ever read Roald Dahl? Rewatched any Weinstein Company movie (so many out there that you probably have)?

You’re literally wrong about everything you just posted and shared, so I’m going to call you out.

Nope, really couldn’t be more wrong. Tell me where the Nazi stereotypes are. 100s of people worked on this game.