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    All non-emergent medicine is being put on hold right now, not just nose jobs. Untold numbers of people are going to die from heart disease and other chronic but deadly conditions because they won’t be managed as closely as before the pandemic closed medical practices like mine. People work in these clinics and may be

    Are 1 TB PCIe m2 sticks available retail now? The San Disk X400 is 1Tb in this form factor but its mSATA not PCIe. Does anyone know the exact specs/manufacturer for the m2 they are using in this? Been waiting for this release with hope they would offer a 1TB version, but looks like will have to wait another year or

    Decent fruitcake also has a lot of liquor in it. The Jampot which is outside Copper Harbor on the Upper Peninsula (wiki it) is run by orthodox monks and makes quite delectable fruitcakes, some of which have spirits or wine as the first ingredient (before sugar, flower or fruit) but... Good fruitcake is just as