Very impressive. Even moreso that despite Disney’s money, this turned out much better than the similar effects in Rogue One that were planned from the start, rather than created out of necessity.
Very impressive. Even moreso that despite Disney’s money, this turned out much better than the similar effects in Rogue One that were planned from the start, rather than created out of necessity.
Do some people just not take their pets to the vet?
Well, the reason he’s undefeated is because he’s so good at avoiding getting punched in the head, so I don’t think that’s it.
Thought this was Armie Hammer’s side gig for a moment. Too many dudes named after baking soda these days.
Unfortunately for her, though, you can’t work out in public as a woman without getting comment on your form.
If you look at pictures of not-horrible quality, she actually doesn’t look much different.
Can’t risk invalidating that prenup, otherwise her years of suffering will have been for nothing!
I would argue it’s the best Batman movie of all, except that I haven’t seen it in years, so I’m not sure how well it holds up.
I hope one of the genres they choose is the first-person shooting gallery where your reticle can only be controlled with the D-pad.
This this this. After the Burton films and especially Batman:TAS, I had become a huge Batman fan.
It’s important to investigate all angles. Unfortunately from the side Chris Pine becomes a potato. Evans wins!
RIP. Unfortunately the ranking is limited to living Chrises.
But it’s also super good and deserves more attention.
I agree with this. In fact, I’d prefer they just delete all the other Kongs from existence and start the canon over. With a redone DK character design because Rare was always the worst at that.
Gaming related: Le Mont Saint-Michel was used as Dracula’s castle for the US cover of Castlevania SOTN.
Figured I should ask if you’ve checked your local theaters, since it’s still playing at several near me.
I only watched the first episode of the Devilman: Crybaby and thought it was probably the worst anime I’ve ever seen. Everything from animation and art quality, consistency, pacing, music, character development... literally every aspect of the show I felt was awful.
I haven’t tried Toki, but Mars Iwai is incredibly smooth. You can down it like water, could be dangerous :)
I bought a bottle years ago when it was less than half the price it is now. There’s still a bit left. I can’t bear to finish it.