
FUck I need to know who it was. I’m kinda hoping it was someone super obscure and not your typical “Oh my God, it’s them” celebrity. Like maybe the Uber driver was just really into NCIS or something.

1. It’s not defamation or libel if it’s true.

it’s also saying that you don’t mind killing other people’s children with your preference for a non-autistic child through the diminishment of herd immunity and spreading disease to immune-compromised individuals.

America’s fascination with reality stars is going to start WW3.

AllLivesMat... Fuck you because clearly they don’t.

Right up there with; “when is the straight pride parade?”

I’ll do my part to remedy this by posting one of my favorite images of Hillary. Hillary looks like one bad HBIC in this campaign poster.

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

He’s not an exciting choice, but he’s a practical choice. I’m okay with this.

It could never be Cory Booker this year. The Dem’s have a chance to win back the Senate and Chris Christie would get to name his replacement. Cant risk losing that seat.

The most telling part of the whole week for me was Paul Manafort’s interview on MSNBC in which he said that women are concerned that their husbands can’t afford to pay the family bills. In 2016, this is why he said women will vote for Trump.

it’s not really anyone’s place to tell someone what they should/shouldn't be doing with their reproductive organs

Funny, but the Chris Christie/broken chair joke wasn’t cool. I don’t care how much you hate the guy, fat-shaming is fat-shaming.

Did you also know that she is Bi-sexual and NOT TO BE TRUSTED?

The obvious name choice: Khaleesi.

Now I’m shipping Scott Baio and Stacy Dash. They would be the worst and maybe if paired together they would create a singularity of awfulness that would destroy each other.

A bit unrelated but look at the fortune I got at lunch today.

New theory: Yoko gets Chinese take out every night and just tweets us her fortune.

under control.