
Literally every source I see on this story talks about how the speechwriter was a ‘former ballerina’ as if that has some relevance. It’s really weird. She’s been ghost-writing Trump books for over a decade according to her brief Wikipedia page... which doesn’t even mention ballet. I mean do we call Harrison Ford a

The vision of Prince and Bowie watching Happy Days on a couch and doing impressions of The Fonz just warmed my soul so hard.

I can’t help but wonder if Bowie ans Prince saw what was coming and peaced the fuck out.

re: Kumail

So it’s actually rape that makes you go blind, not masturbation.

This saddens me. Now there is literally no way he’ll see the inside of a jail cell.

Well that un-rapes dozens of women.

It’s really too bad he doesn’t have at least one black sheep kid who’s like fuck this shit, my dad is a total asshole and I am NOT supporting this shitshow. But they’re all spineless greedy little shits so they’re riding his money train and toeing the line.

Or Department of Transportation.

I hope it’s the same intern who designed the original Trump-Pencetration logo. I’m sure it’s a staffer who also consistently tells Trump that his “hair is looking great today!”

She also claimed that Donald is very loyal to his family...even though he cheated on wife #1 with wife #2 and then left wife #2 for wife #3.

I can’t get past the sanctimonious crap the non-famous friend of TS posted. If I wasn’t team Kim and Kanye before, all that prayer shit pushed me right over the edge.

“I have been with Donald for 18 years” ...Donald divorced wife 2 17 years ago.

...and once again, I see those aborted fetus photos and think, “those don’t look human at all.” Which I think is the opposite of what they want me to think.

( 1 You can’t walk into the convention

Yeah, she blames Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi attack but gives a total pass to the Republican congress who refused, on multiple occasions, to authorize additional resources to the embassy that could have prevented this. Just incredible.

Counterpoint: despite her legendary status and fanbase, this is a human child.

Me and all my nerd friends went to see it (separately) over the weekend and loved it. It was awesome and your life will be sadder for lacking it. :’(

Ghostbusters was SO GOOD! During the big final battle scene, there’s a shot of Kate McKinnon running in slo-mo toward a bunch of ghosts, guns drawn, and the Ghostbusters theme song is blasting while she does it. For the first time in my life, I felt what I imagine little boys feel at superhero movies. “That could be