
She doesn’t address it in the article, but can you imagine if she has been trying to get pregnant for years but has had miscarriages? Between 20 and 33% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, but no one seems to think about that when they’re badgering other people about if they are pregnant, why they aren’t pregnant, and

Imagine if we speculated about men’s vasectomies in this manner. ORLANDO BLOOM: THE BIG SNIP? Followed by ten photos of the actor in swim trunks standing with a vaguely bow-legged stance.

I hope she goes to Men’s Wimbledon next year and annihilates Roger Federer.

Our kid sets up a perimeter, like with salt shakers, water glasses, candles.

You can tell he’s constantly pulling this bait-and-switch nonsense and then blaming her for not reading his inconsistent mind. He’s not good in bed. This much is obvious.


Someone I know who gets lash extensions got sooo offended when I called them false lashes. She informed me that it was exactly the same as getting a kidney transplant, they were a part of her.

I’m a Black chick, a Trekkie, a writer, and a SF/fantasy nerd and I disagree. Whenever they remake a beloved character ‘cause it is a “brand” like Iron Man - I drop the series. It is insulting and lazy & the Marvel universe has gotten totes ridiculous.

This is kinda similar to the whole controversy where Iron man will be a black teenage girl, Captain America’s role is assumed by a black man, Thor is a woman, The Hulk is an Asian teen, etc.

I agree with you but I still hope it is crazy white MFs because I am tired and I think if it is PoC then there will be more of a shitstorm.

Fuck the race of the attackers, this shit is just sad all around. Even if the attackers were Black, and purposefully killing cop, it won’t change my stand with BLM movement.

I'll take my liberal bubble over the Midwest. Even with the rent being too damn high.

One day they’ll price out the baristas and make them live so far away the nearby Starbucks will be unstaffed. Then they’ll realize the whirlwind they reaped....

Sore throat = death?

Wait what. Now I'm scared of this weird sore throat I have right now that is kind of at the base of my throat. Oh god. I'm going to die.

She prefers the view from up there. I have never seen someone so ready to believe comments that hype her up. Her arrogance is astonishing and the worst part of this site.

DRAG HA! Can’t stand Kara’s high allmighty ass.

Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.

Then why did your colleague include that in her article, Sis?

Well, obviously there were mitigating circumstances. I mean he was rejected by a woman! Clearly that’s justification for the fragile male ego to defend itself. If she didn’t want to be murdered, she shouldn’t have broken up with him.