
in the last episode before this weeks he said that he wanted to say sorry to the kid he yelled at and it sounded genuine and thought out instead of the forced uncaring one he would have given if he caved to all the people on social media demanding it. seems like he actually took time to process what he did and

the book and narrator threw me off at first but by the end with the insane ufo visit and finding out it was martin freeman's voice i decided i was fine with it

a grown adult man has opinions on sesame street characters you say?

you gotta get eyes in the sky for a birds eye view

"Fargo is the Under The Dome of television" - Stephen King

the occasional Simone

dinosaurs was a good show you frying panned ass bitch

its the gratest city in the world hoooooo eeeeeeee

chappie 2 - chappie takes manhattan

Maybe his Master Of None character only dating skinny white girls is a deep commentary on diversity too

keep these damn nuts off the big screen!! its called the silver screen not the peanuts screen! dont belong even next to a big screen for all i care

disappointing considering the long look we got at jesse plemons breasts earlier in the season

Damn they give us a season 12-13 quality episode in 2015 and it gets an A-,
Like giving a lazy kid a first prize ribbon for bothering to walk over to the finish line after all the other kids have finished the foot race.

Someone contacted the small businesses after their appearance on the show and wrote an article about it:

how was it non canon when bender showed up in the basement this episode, like not even as a background joke marge was using him as a safe

they are taking the money from people who want a dumb cat album and giving it to charity, no one loses with this things existence except you i guess.

adult swim should have taken all the money from Loiter Squad, King Star King, Mr Pickles etc. and given it to Augenblick Studios to animate Superjail season 2 instead of that other studio. I was really disappointed with that season after how great the first was and didn't bother watching the rest.

To me those quotes in the stray observations don't sound like anything a Simpsons character would say.

that reveal of the new queen at the end, holy fucking shit, i haven't laughed that hard at any comedy this year. it truly is the most unintentionally funny show on television