To be fair here, Patty Crawford was willing to have her silence bought. Baylor was too cheap to do so, lets not lionize her too much.
To be fair here, Patty Crawford was willing to have her silence bought. Baylor was too cheap to do so, lets not lionize her too much.
I guess half a million is the difference in the price of integrity.
“At one point, she became so frustrated with Baylor administrators not giving her more money”
Sincere question: why is everything at Baylor not getting as much publicity as PSU? Is it geography (East coast bias)? Baylor’s relative lack of pedigree compared to PSU? General apathy for these issues at this point? That it was college women instead of little boys?
I guess Penn State proved the NCAA no longer believes in the death penalty, but as Baylor keeps dragging this out I have to wonder...
Can you imagine if 17 different women had made these allegations against the Film Club? I think it’s pretty obvious which religion takes priority at this ass-backwards school.
It’s remarkable to me the amount of staff these colleges hire who don’t know the basic knowledge their position requires. That goes for coaches to the admin. Blows me away.
now we just need a really really terrible white player to endorse Trump and this officially mirrors every other celebrity endorsement
Have you heard what his personal ghostwriter said? Everything that Trump has ever accused others of doing, is really him projecting about himself.
Baylor trying hard to be more oblivious and idiotic than Penn State.
Yeah, good point. Do these events actually make money for the city/state or is it all just a scam? Maybe the way to send a message is to put ALL the games in North Carolina if it costs them money.
I respectfully disagree with this point.
First, there are over a billion Catholics. In the US alone, there are about 65 million, or about the same population as France. With a population that size, you are going to a very diverse population with diverse opinions. So painting Catholics with one same “broad brush” is as…
It’s a pity that he’s the kind of guy who will spend an inordinate amount of time taking back-handed compliments about how he is actually clean and articulate, because what really matters is that he’s whip-smart, very aware that not every player in the league is as marketable as he is, and is willing to stand on…
Not all, but definitely not few.
I went to Catholic school too, never really caught on with me, but I think we all need to admit that while it’s not all Catholics, it was widely known by those in charge. If ever a large group deserves to be painted with a broad brush, it’s the Catholic Church, where all the way up the ladder they’ve known about and…
Why are people more upset about a shitty song and a dumb piece of cloth than they are about the violent deaths of actual people at the hands of the government?
“To me, it was embarrassing to watch that these are our two candidates,” Kaepernick said Tuesday. “Both are proven liars and it almost seems like they’re trying to debate who’s less racist. And at this point, talking with one of my friends, it was, you have to pick the lesser of two evils, but in the end, it’s…
Are golfers part of the “Make America Great Again” crowd? I would think that golfers would be Mitt Romney types who are considering voting for Gary Johnson.
Why not? It’s legal tender and any intentional damage caused to your car by the shop in retaliation is a crime.
Did not watch the debate. But in my experience, when you suspect someone is high, they are high.