Bupropion XL

The writing for Q gets the character so fucking wrong in every possible way it’s as if the writers only had the character described to them third-hand without having seen a second of his actual appearances.  Stunningly awful.  

I really hope this makes them realize that what a lot of fans want to see from Star Trek is not prequels around TOS.   It’s about time we get The next “Next Generation”.   I assume Stewart is probably not game for to much more but I’m sure he’d be game for a guest spot.  Same with Frakes and most the rest.  Give us

I mean mainly, I look to these shows for a bit of good fun (not to shut down criticisms, it’s fair to, I just have lower expectations).

I’m super excited about this, but mainly because I can’t wait to see Worf again. :) 

I just realized that was a pretty good double entendre...

Honestly, you’re right that it’s probably more the fans and the bros that have left the bad taste in my mouth more than those three records themselves. I dug 40OTF when I was a kid. “Don’t Push” is still a pretty cool song and they do a solid Bad Religion cover. It’s just very difficult for me to separate the music

Also, Devil in a Blue Dress!

??? The short was made for Adult Swim, which is on Cartoon Network, which is a part of WB, who owns everything seen on the short. AS wouldn't have posted the short to begin with if it never cleared legal.

I know the popular thing these days is to hate Kevin Smith, but I still love the guy. His output is not as consistent as it was in the 90s, but I appreciate that in an industry that is all about image and being guarded he is always honest. He will talk about his own shortcomings and will talk shit about others he

The only thing "amazing" is the amount of energy being spent on this.

Kevin Smith is up there with Seth McFarlane on the list of people I’d probably like a lot as people, while not liking much of their work.

Eh, watched him on a celebrity D&D game last year and my god was he annoying. Just trying way too hard and riffing too damn much, which, I get it, he’s a writer/comedian, but it was a virtual thing so multiple people can’t really speak at once and he was constantly steamrolling the other players and the DM. The other

That take burned my house to the ground.

Which movies were bad? Cop Out is like the only universal answer and it was sabotaged by the big star actor

Exactly. Being a good person and a good director are not the same thing. Hitchcock and Kubrick were terrible people by all accounts despite their undeniable talent. That being said, while the majority of Smith’s movies have been bad, the original Clerks and later Dogma were pretty good.

Waiting For Gobot


Apparently Kevin Smith was very well liked on the sets of the CW/ ArrowVerse shows when he directed them. I saw one funny interview with Chyler Leigh who had a DC action figure in her trailer on set that Smith gave her for nailing a scene. She said she didn’t take it home because if she did her sons would want to play

It’s really great for my self-esteem to see people who look like me on the big screen.

you keep bruce willis’s name out of your fucking mouth

I hate telling this story, because there’s always somebody who wants to call bullshit when you mention a celebrity encounter, even though I would have zero reason to make this up, and I respect other people. I simply wouldn’t write something like this if it wasn’t true: