Solidarity with AV Club writers!
Solidarity with AV Club writers!
The fucker is still making money on FNAF even if he isn’t directly involved with the games anymore.
Boosh, indeed.
G/O seem to be in the taxidermy business.
Jesus Christ. This site would be a dystopian nightmare without the comments pointing out how stupid the articles are
Filling a new build would be a text book example of a sunk cost fallacy, it’s like the first thing they teach you in business school to watch out for, so if that’s the case then oh boy, it’s a miracle the shot callers at G/O ever survived to adulthood.
Yes, I’ve been saying for years I’m still around because I am too old to unlearn and relearn new sites. And I like the commenters here.
Speaking of gross behavior, did everyone else all ready know about this?
This is a whole lot of words for something no one will ever listen to.
At the time when Gresham’s novel was first published, going to therapy was an activity that was still viewed with a sideways eye by most everyday Americans.
It’s more like “lower ratings culture.”
Fire up the Space Laser, Mort Vader!
Well, not with that attitude!
Seems that Lovato prefers the pronouns they/them. So now there’s one thing I know.
Can you even kill a vampire with a bent spoon? Maybe if its silver?
In search relevance.
Just a friendly reminder that Demi identifies a non-binary and uses “they/them” pronouns. I’m already seeing a few posts in the comments using the wrong pronouns.
I find claims of lizard people to be rather Icke.